Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It's been a long time since I've posted here, huh?

We hit 32 weeks on Tuesday. I think taking the hospital tour last week and having our first doula meeting (aside from the interview) this weekend has snapped us into reality.

We are both in disbelief that this baby will be here in two months. In two months (give or take), we will be parents to THREE children.

Between now and my due date (beginning of November, btw), we have so many weekend visitors and the girls' third birthday. Zazie's dad comes in two weeks. The weekend after that is the girls' birthday, plus a visit from a half-sib (also named Ru) and her mom. The weekend after that we have our baby shower. Two weeks after that, the girls' aunt (donor's sis) is visiting. Then my mom around Halloween and stays until Miss H is born.

Holy hell. That's a lot of visitors in our tiny apartment at what will be a very hectic and uncomfortable time for me. What the heck are we thinking? There's not much to do to prepare (third kid=lackadaisical preparation. We have clothes, boobs, a place for her to sleep- what else is there to do?), but I hope we can get everything done with all these people coming to visit!

Several big things to do before this baby gets here, all involving the girls: switch them to toddler beds, move their car seats to the back of the minivan (and install new baby's!), and hardcore potty train them. We finally got another toddler bed to match the one we picked up at a garage sale, we just need to put it together. The girls have been climbing out of their cribs for weeks now, so we're hoping that the change won't inspire later bedtimes/earlier wake-ups than we're getting now. We are sad about the car seats- the girls will be SO far away from us now. We were supposed to hardcore potty train once we got back from our big trip this summer, but it hasn't happened. The girls have constant access to the potty, but we don't remind them to use it... we occasionally ask and they occasionally go on their own, but we haven't really put any effort into it yet. It sure would be nice to not have to change three sets of diapers.

1 comment:

  1. What the -F- !!!
    You JUST told us that you were pregnant. How in the HELL could you be 32 weeks already.
    Holy sheesh.
    Well yay.....with all of this coming up time will just fly by. :)
