Thursday, March 8, 2012


In a weird twist, our donor's family now knows I'm pregnant, but our parents don't know.

(for anyone catching up, our donor was an open donor from a sp.erm bank. When he died two years ago, one thing led to another, and now we know all his sisters and his parents).

Last night was what would've been his 32nd birthday. Each year, his family does a shot of Jack in his honor. (Have I mentioned they're an awesome family?) His youngest sister happened to be in town last night, so we got on S.kype with everyone. I felt nervous about making the announcement so soon, but with his sister J's encouragement, I spilled the beans. How else was I going to explain the lack of shot-taking? Sisters are happy, mom is ecstatic, dad was... who knows? (he can be pretty stoic). We got some grandmotherly nagging about when we were coming down to visit them (in the spring, most likely).

I can't get over how weird and fantastic all of this new, crazy family is. I love it.


  1. Pregnant! Zeeb! OMG OMG OMG!! Woo hoo! My day is now complete.

  2. That is just awesome that his family is so cool.
    Would they have known or been this involved if he wasn't deceased ?

    Way to come out :)
    How are you feeling ?
