Friday, February 17, 2012

What will I do with myself in the coming weeks?

Oh, man. It is going to be a long few weeks. I already feel different- slightly crampy, slightly twinge-y, just weird. I know that isn't even possible this soon, so whatever! I am going to chalk it up to just weirdness due to the *ahem* invasiveness of the procedure and the aftermath. I will ignore it! I am feeling things that obviously are in my imagination, since nothing is supposed to happen until 2-4 days after the transfer.


  1. Whatev dawg. I felt shit the first couple days.
    PLEASE test as early as humanly possible. Like tonight. Test tonight.

  2. Hang in there! I don't know if this helps, but we're in a similar place and I have no idea how I'm going to get through the next 2 weeks either! Hopefully finding lots of distractions?

  3. Oh!!!!! How I remember the 2 week wait. Sending happy dust your way. And, since I'm reading this a few days later, then it's only like a week & a half! Fingers crossed :) XOXO

  4. What's happening ? Where are you ? How are you feeling ?
